Big Pharma Vs. The Utility Prison Vagina.

    It had never occurred to me until today, but no one gives a single thought or care about my opinions. Not one, single, person.” I thought (not even me sometimes).  But I guess that’s not true either.  As soon as I dare share one that's not socially popular currently, a group of pile-on social justice warriors show up and start dictating 'care-direction' to each other.  Especially the vegans.  Man those vegans just go hard.  Vegetables must provide additional benefits besides just nutrients, anti-oxidants, and fuel.  Vegetables must provide some social justice fuel along with the good old, "Normal nutrition".
    NOW I'm sure to have triggered the "white knights" into rallying and mounting up.  You know them, they (plural, TRIGGER WARNING) are the, "to-the-rescue" social justice warriors.  I will surely have got them involved and caring about my opinion by simply bringing up the vegans.  No one can defend themselves as good as they are going to, SO LOOK OUT, THEY, ARE, HERE, TO, HELP.  Whether you actually wanted their help or not.  I dragged them into this by simply singling out a group of people. The Vegans. I did this by naming them and mentioning their eating preferences. You know, TALKING ABOUT THEM.  Surely something I said could be construed as insulting; somehow; some of it had to be.  As far as the knights are concerned, IT WAS.  Thusly, I IMMEDIATELY became a ‘vegan bigot’.  This, as opposed to just being a person who has met a few vegans.
    It's funny and ironic, all of the ‘raging’ about injustice these days from the you-tube generation.  Raging about the things they've been fed to rage about.  Caring about the injustices they’ve been fed like water and teen-brand miracle grow to care about, like a nice cultivated crop. All while they're being even more gamed and victimized by corporations moreso than any generation before them.  These youngsters don’t understand the level to which their lives have been planned out by boardroom members of multi-billion dollar corporations.  They have no concept as to the level our entrenched systems have been gamed by multi-national corporations with thousands of years of combined data and experience to work from.        
    Therapists consoling you and ‘supporting’ you with script after script to the pharmacy for an endless list of designer anti-depressants and gender affirmative care. “OF COURSE YOU’RE IN THE WRONG BODY. THAT’LL BE 12 MILLION DOLLARS. A PIECE. You’ll need these hormones and supportive repair surgeries for the rest of your life (Or at least until you realize your still just a person in a body that has anxiety and natural tension and then you decide to just kill yourself). BUT WE LOVE AND “SUPPORT”, “YOU”; stranger, who we know only and exclusively as part of our for-profit business model. Everyone else that DARES dissent or NOT BE SUPPORTIVE? Bigots. ALL BIGOTS. There is NO ROOM to discuss gender therapy regret depression and the high suicide rate associated with it. NO ROOM to QUESTION the medical impacts of transitioning. THOSE, PEOPLE, ARE, BIGOTS.
    Besides, there isn’t NEARLY as much money in ACTUAL gender affirming care. You know, “Love yourself”, “Accept yourself”, “Everyone goes through an angsty, awkward phase of uncomfortability. It’s NORMAL.” Nope. There isn’t ENOUGH money in that. Is there money in it? Sure, tons of money.  BILLIONS of dollars.  There is the costs of the therapy.  After initial therapy, MOST PEOPLE get subscribed meds.  Putting MOST of the people who have received therapy on some type of long-term med or another. But no, it isn’t ENOUGH money here the USA! USA! USA!, (sorry I just can’t help myself whenever I say it. Too much WWE, Trump Rallies, and Olympic games as a kid) 
    Nope. Here In the United States, we have a ‘For Profit’ medical system, and a "for profit" medicine development system.  Systems run by "for profit" boardrooms with fiduciary responsibilities to their shareholders.  Systems that have even previously been exposed publicly in the news for having internal memos talking about how LONG TERM, FOR LIFE diseases are DESIRABLE for their business model.  It has been uncovered here that there is NO DESIRE to cure such diseases as they are sources of income for the patients ENTIRE LIFE. Big pharma in the United States would like every one of us to be type one diabetic. The price of insulin to increase exponentially every few years, and then also to develop a secondary lifetime care dependency such as… Hormone therapy; to maintain your “GENDER IDENTITY.” That's right kids.  This is biblical.  This is the story of the tower of Babel.  The one story in the Christian bible that says a unified mankind could rise to rival the power of God.  The solution for God and apparently corporations is one and the same.  Confuse the language and separate the people. Ok? Boomer?  Gotta keep'em separated. 
    Adults are a different story.  Adults can do what they want with their body.  No one is stopping anyone else from being a feminine/effeminate male or a butch woman. Go for it.  Go be as flamboyant and gay, or dull and quiet as you want. Eventually you can even go get a sex change, 80 surgeries, whatever.  Spend your money how you want.  2 things; 1: LEAVE MY KIDS ALONE. 2: NONE OF YOUR TRANSFORMATIVE SURGICAL CARE SHOULD BE THE BURDEN OF THE STATE. This teaching young school age kids about ‘assigned gender’ is nonsense.  Having welfare and group-fund insurance pay for all the surgeries?  Nonsense.  As if it wasn’t apparent to the highly trained medical staff at the local hospital whether or not there was clearly a penis or a vagina.  That DOES SERVE to determine gender, MOST OF THE TIME.  There is room for intersex. There is room for genetic variance. Teaching kids to think about whether or not their body is correct?  Like they got the wrong one handed out to them by the womb?  Absolute poison. Big pharma using all the might of it's bribery lobby to reach out and put an arm around our kids.  The kids it just taught that they all might be physically inadequate.  The kids they just taught that a bunch of kids are in the wrong body.  But it's OK right?  We don't want to be a bigot right? It's fine if you're in the wrong body they teach them, "It'll just take a lifetime monthly subscription commitment to big PHARMA U.S.A., that's all.  Everything will be FINE KIDS."  It’s the closest thing I’ve EVER HEARD to being something I would label ‘TRUE BLASPHEMY’. Just raw poison being poured out into our fragile children's minds. 
    Honestly, I don’t care If a drag queen reads my kids a book. Thanks for taking the time to care and entertain. What I CAN’T tolerate, is telling little kids, that a child, A CHILD, can pick their own gender? That medical professionals just slapped a label on them and that they can just decide to take that label off? And then teaching kids to call themselves plural pronouns? Singularly? I can’t stand the horrible English, honestly. I refuse to use “they” or “them” as a singular pronoun. English is confusing enough, now we are getting it’s improper use dictated to us? By kids that got taught these things seemingly out of nowhere? This whole concept of teaching kids improper English and that their gender is just some option is monstrous to me. It is on par with child abuse as far as I’m concerned. SEXUAL, CHILD ABUSE. IF YOU ARE AN ADULT, DO NOT SPEAK TO MY CHILDREN ABOUT SEXUALITY. That goes for everyone. SCHOOL TEACHERS, LAWYERS, LGBTQ people. Hey, Teacher! LEAVE THEM KIDS ALONE!
    I don’t care who uses which bathroom, nor do I care which bathrooms get used. The gay people and the pedophiles have blended into the normal bathroom crowd THE ENTIRE TIME. I’ld personally prefer that a trans-woman with her firehose in tact, not use a public urinal, but I think that is understandable. Go use a stall. Men’s room, women’s room, family bathroom, whatever. Dealer’s choice, but please, don’t get that thing cut off. Why or how anyone could ever trust a surgeon to make a functioning vagina out of a penis or vice versa is beyond me. You want to live as a woman, go for it. You will NEVER ACTUALLY BE ONE. You will NEVER NOT NEED HORMONES. Genetically, You will ALWAYS BE THE SAME AS YOU STARTED. So please, realize that the doctor isn’t selling you a, “Genital Swap”. They are selling you experimental mutilation that will do immeasurable damage to the bits that, arguably, drive you the most. There’s no magic science medicine penis or vagina that is going to miraculously be the end of the yellow brick road of “Transitioning”.
    My personal experience with the subject is more than most.  I crossdressed every day for about 4 months October 2020 to January 2021.  EVERYONE had an opinion.  Many wanted to dictate how things would go for my future. I WAS, OF COURSE, GETTING MY WEINER CUT OFF? RIGHT? Pile after pile of nonsense, irrelevant, horse-shit opinion.  Tons of "Support".  Some people want to lift you up higher and higher, just to watch you burn longer, all the way back down.  Some people want to be involved in something, "else".  And some people are just helpful and ride or die.  And of course all of this was fueled ever the hotter by the political climate at the time. The 2020 presidential election.  Hell, that’s why I crossdressed in the first place; just to make it REAL CLEAR to the Trumpers who I was voting for. And to stop hearing CONSTANTLY about how scared they were of transvestites attacking their bathrooms.  I put on a dress and WALKED INTO THEIRS.
    But honestly, why would I ever, EVER, get my penis cut off?  Why would anyone of sound mind?  Having experimental, destructive, removal/reconstructive surgery?  ON PRIVATES?  Are you insane?  Even if I grew some transfemme cream, breast pump breasts, and worked out to get the fake hips muscle hips, and crossdressed for life, I'ld still always keep the privates package i got at the jump.  THAT THING ISN’T GOING ANYWHERE NEAR THE KNIFE.  My parents already had it attacked once at birth, that is more than plenty for me. 
    Besides, men already ship with a Utility Prison Vagina.


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