The Veil, The 2nd, & Elementary Originalism


     Behind the veil, it waits. Cigarette smoke, cigar smoke, campfire smoke; how is it that the smoke always seeks the person that likes it least. Light a cigarette out on the street with a person that doesn’t smoke and doesn’t like smoke, and it seems more often than not that the smoke can control the wind; always finding it’s way back into their face. Move over, around, upwind or wherever, that smoke seems to have a mind of it’s own. It’s the cat that runs away every time you try to pet it, only to run up everytime to the other familiar person that never cares to. It’s that same time on the clock you keep seeing.

     Locked up tighter than a billionaires vaults, our harsh and vivid reality pulses all around us, powered by the magic of the veil. Existing, rather than not existing. Mere observation, humble us, little individual humans, causing reality to fluctuate this way or that, simply by seeing. It’s Shroedinger’s cat! Is it dead? Is it even IN THE BOX? Was the speed of light a fixed number before Einstein locked it in? Did the dinosaurs really play here? Or was that just the God’s devil playing tricks on us? It may have all started 6000 years ago. But even if it did, we observed a need and made billions of years before it all; AFTER THE FACT. For “Science”. :D

     What if there is no good until we KNOW it. No evil until we’ve named it so. Is Dahmer any worse than a hunting Tiger? A Mockingbird? That weird Parasite that attaches to a fishes tongue permanently? We’re all just the next iteration of an opportunity for the universe to learn something new, to grow, to learn. To me, in my findings, having sought the face of God, I feel I’ve found it. We, each one of us Humans, of every color, sex, creed, age, and of every and all known variety and ability and disabilty, are the universe’s most complex and conscious expression of the mind and will of reality expressing an understanding of itself.

     Our next big hurdles are to get off this rock and into the cosmos.  We accomplish this by taking money from the infinite black hole of imaginary digital bank "money" and forcing it into infrastructure; this BUILDS INFRASTRUCTURE. Employers just want a cash generation labor force that slaves to the grind their entire meager existence. Capitalist expansion driving inflation; GROW!  WE NEED TO GROW! GROW THE ECONOMY! INFLATE! INFLATE! DEPRECIATE THE WAGE! INCREASE THE PRICE! INCREASE THE PROFIT! You know what needs to GROW!?People. The wizard behind the curtain with one hand on his giant wallet and the other tightly gripping his megaphone, "Find what you love to do and you'll never call it work another day in your life!  Now, chop chop grunt.  Remember, It's not work anymore it's  you pursuing happiness; and by god, WE'VE GOT THE LOBBIED UP, CORPORATE ECONOMY TO GROW!" Hell their even slyly tacking extra weeks onto to the school year now.  People need time to play; to learn; to read; to expand their consciousness; to fiddle at solving problems like single use plastics. People need time to make better people. 

     Loneliness and depression are combining with the insanity of “Originalism” to terrorize our schools and general populace with insane gun laws. You know what the first amendment was right? The first admission that they screwed up and there would be changes to come. The second amendment? They screwed it up so bad they couldn’t legally have a gun or rally a militia to fight the war with! How’s that for originalism? These yahoos proved they had a penchant for screwing up real quick, a whole bunch of times. Their statement to all of us that followed for all these 225+ years, “Don’t be afraid to make the necessary changes to see this thing through.” THAT, is “Originalism”.

     Otherwise, no one should have a license to hunt, drive a car, sell liquor, etc.  So much for Aeroplanes, trains, Submarines; submersibles AND Sandmiches; and honestly how could we ever have an internet, let alone a Net-neutral one like we USED to have before 2017?  After all, NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THE FOUNDING FATHERS HAD TO SAY ABOUT IT.  SHOULDN'T WE LOOK AT ALL OF IT THROUGH THAT SPECIAL 2ND AMENDMENT LENS?

     So I guess that’s my typing for today. We’re all part of the learning universe that is God, pray you’re not a messed up part; reality is lived in the now. Constitutional Originalism in the United States needs to be addressed for what it currently is, NONSENSE. We need social, societal, economic, and gun law reform in a nation run by half-wit, smart-ass lawyers that want to argue all day while taking bribe money from their bribe lobby and never doing a fucking thing about mostly any of it.

     Oh yeah, I almost forgot the kids.  All this else going on while our children are all being raised for us by people with masters degrees that aren’t even empowered to punish or otherwise keep our kids in line. OR PROTECT THEM FROM THE HORRIBLE AND INSANE GUN LAWS. USA! USA! USA! Sorry, I felt like some misplaced Nationalism and patriotic bullying looked good EVERYWHERES so I just tossed some in. You know, like a lil’ dollar store contact paper to spruce up the back of the countertop behind the sink. Anybody got any Modge-Podge?


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